The DRD5 (Detector R&D on quantum sensors for particle physics) web page is now at:
    official DRD5 web page

    The DRD5 proposal has been submitted to a CERN scientific committee, the DRDC on May 16, 2024, after feedback and minor corrections from the different interested communities, with the aim of forming a dedicated collaboration (DRD5/RDq). Please contact Marcel Demarteau or Michael Doser with any input or if you would be interested to be involved in the DRD5 collaboration.

Who's who?

  • Conveners of the ECFA quantum sensing roadmap implementation process

    Hiroki Akamatsu, Etiennette Auffray, Caterina Braggio, Florian Brunbauer, Oliver Buchmuller,Shion Chen, Martino Calvo, Marcel Demarteau, Michael Doser, Christophe Dujardin, Andrew Geraci, Arindam Ghosh, Yacine Haddad, Glen Harris, David Hume, Derek Jackson, Jeroen Koelemeij, Georgy Kornakov, Gobinda Majumder, Stefan Maier, Alberto Marino, Tanja Mehlstäubler, Alessandro Monfardini, Ben Ohayon, Nancy Paul, Alberto Quaranta, Sadiq Rangwala, Florian Reindl, Mariana Safronova, Swati Singh, Stafford Withington and Steven Worm

  • Co-ordinators of the implementation process

    Marcel Demarteau, Michael Doser

How about some links?